Friday, December 13, 2013


I've managed to finish my year 1 in university! So for this holiday I need to.....

1. Tidy my table AGAIN (It's never ending, things magically piles up on my table)
2. Get a Christmas present for the xmas party. Hope I exchange a good present lol
3. Design my pet cafe logo (done half of it already today hehe super love my tablet, it helps me get work done ALL the time!) & also figure out the location and do up a rough estimate of the monthly cost blabla. Menu I'm more or less done but I've to........ find a cook!!
4. Learn something
5. Pamper my hair and face or something haha haven't been bothered about it for the longest time
6. Go meet my friends and have stayovers again hehe

ok tata, time to research on locations now

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